Life aboard a British privateer in the time of Queen Anne
Life Aboard a British Privateer
Life Aboard A British Privateer In The Time Of Queen Anne
King's Privateer
Audacity, Privateer Out of Portsmouth
Privateers and Pirates 1730-1830
Privateers of seventy-six
English Privateers at Cabo San Lucas
Bold Privateers
Pirates and Privateers
History of the Liverpool Privateers and Letters of Marque With an Account of the Liverpool Slave Trade, 1744-1812
Die Haftung des Staates bei der Einschaltung privater Krafte zur Erfullung offentlicher Aufgaben (European university studies. Series II, Law) (German Edition)
Pirates, Privateers and Rebel Raiders of the Carolina Coast
Pirates, Privateers, & Rebel Raiders of the Carolina Coast